
Real & Becoming

Real & Becoming

Real & Becoming is the first Extended Play album from Vancouver based Singer / Songwriter Llex. The project explores Llex’s experience with love, questioning intent, growth and change.

LLEX - Ep Cover_v2.jpg

Album Artwork

The ideas of growth and change evolved to showcasing a variety of perspectives of our artist. The cover art is the first example of this, showing a paper collage of photos showing Llex in various styles of clothing, makeup, hair, and lighting.



The Real & Becoming title typography is a hand drawn script, layered to bring a sense of depth to the cover art.


Title typography explorations, including title explorations for the Perspective music video


Promotional Material

Promotional Material for the Real & Becoming release. We carried on the layered typography and taking it further by applying it to the streaming icons.


Single Artwork

The collage style began with Perspective, the first single released from the Real & Becoming EP. For this piece of art, we aimed at having a more simple and clean version of the collage style and color palette, ultimately leading up to the release and artwork of the full EP.


Perspective Music Video


Additional photography and animations. Photos by Andres Chavarriaga.